Is there a right way to feel when you’re considering a career change? While people’s feelings may range from scared to elated when planning a career revision, it’s crucial to keep remembering the big picture. Your overall attitude is bigger than your emotions because it dictates how you act in the face of your emotions. Here are three big picture ideas to keep in mind:

“I Am More Than My Salary”

Getting past the mental block of equating salary with worth sets many people free to be bold in their career paths. Most of us equate a drop in salary with failure. While taking less money may not ultimately be the best decision in your case, it’s essential to at least consider what it would be like to “try on” a job that pays less if it stimulates you more. Create a new scale for measuring the value of a job that moves away from only taking salary into consideration. Would taking a pay decrease be worth it if it means that a job offers more flexibility, more fulfillment, and healthier work culture? Permit yourself to hunt for jobs as a “whole person” with multiple needs beyond just salary requirements.

“Every Skill I Don’t Have Is Just One I Haven’t Learned Yet

If you’ve been using the same skills for more than a decade, you might find yourself wondering if your skill stack has peaked. It can feel like an entire world of technology and systems were built while you were hammering away in your little corner of the economy. This doesn’t need to cause panic. Remember that the skills that helped you to excel were all things you didn’t know at one point. You can learn again! First, make a list of all of the transferable skills you currently possess. Next, make a list of two to three new skills that could make you more marketable when added to your skill stack as complementary skills. This can be the hardest step for many people because it’s very intimidating to admit that they feel “left behind.” Finally, decide that a skill you lack is simply a skill you haven’t learned yet.

“Every End Is a New Beginning”

While this phrase may seem cliché, the reason why people repeat it so often is that it’s true! Far too many professionals get caught up in a cycle of “mourning” their previous careers. Stop comparing every new “scary step” to the comfort and security you felt at different points in your career. It’s also important to say that “looking backward” isn’t something that attracts hiring managers.

Getting Ready to Show Up

Showing up ready is half the battle when changing careers. First, permit yourself to be “scared” about learning new skills, meeting new people, and adapting to what may seem like a very different pace. Being scared doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it!  Recognize the fear while still keeping the commitment you’ve made to yourself to push forward into the unknown that’s full of possibilities for growth, greatness, and the discovery that you’re capable of more than your old career allowed you to explore!

Peter Sherer is a nationally recognized career coach who offers clarity and confidence to mid-career and senior executives in transition. In just two short days, his rigorous assessment tools enable his clients to identify a meaningful assignment that uses all of their skills and experience. Learn more and get in touch with Peter today.