
Why Most Women Think They Should Change Their Careers

According to a recent study by InHerSight, seventy-three percent of working…


Hanging On or Being Bold: Your Midlife Reappraisal

There is something about approaching 50 that naturally brings up a fundamental…


The Mechanics of a Successful Informational Interview

As I said in my previous blog - How to Prepare for Successful Informational…


How to Prepare for Successful Informational Interviews

Many of my clients have in common a deep dissatisfaction with their current…


What Kind of Career Change Do You Need to Make?

In my role as a career coach, the topic of career change usually comes up for…


What Happens When You've Outgrown Your Job?

Why would a mid-level executive at the height of a successful career consider a…


Is the Ideal Job a Solution for Mid-career Transitions?

When you find yourself in a job that no longer fits your skills and interests…


Is This All There Is? Overcoming Career Discontent

What happens when a successful professional feels like they are in the wrong…


Feeling Stuck in Your Career? It's Time for Plan B

Mid-career change can be difficult. Plan A, on the other hand, is familiar. You…