Graphic words: New Year - strategy, action, success

New Job for the New Year?  Start Thinking About Career Resolutions Now 

Is your goal to find a new job for the New Year? The New Year can be a time of…


How To Handle a Career Detour With Confidence

It's important for professionals who feel "tossed about" on the economic waves…


Career Success During a Political Transition

Starting in November, thousands of people in Washington will be directly…


A Sense of Purpose Is the Key to the Good Life

Everyone wants to create the Good Life. The unsettling conditions imposed by…


Your Retirement: How to Start Thinking About It

Has the pandemic pushed you toward considering your retirement?  The COVID…


Your Career Coach Can Help You Function at Your Best

In my work as a career coach, I have learned that any change can be…


Hanging On or Being Bold: Your Midlife Reappraisal

There is something about approaching 50 that naturally brings up a fundamental…


How to Prepare for Successful Informational Interviews

Many of my clients have in common a deep dissatisfaction with their current…


When Management Changes, Is It Time for You to Go?

Clients often come to see me because recent management changes have left them…


Is Launching Your Own Business the Best Option for You?

When most people leave jobs, either voluntarily or not, one question can be: Do…